Good afternoon everyone!
I hope you have had a great week back! Please make sure that you read all of the information below as it is VERY important for the next couple weeks.
- Wednesday, December 9th 1-2pm: Holiday Cookie Decorating Party on Zoom
- Thursday, December 10th 3:45 - 5:45 Recording Holiday Music at School
- Saturday, December 12th from 8:30am-12pm Shop With a Hawk
- Tuesday December 15th during class: Caroling at the Grand Staircase
- Tuesday December 15th 7pm: Virtual Holiday Concert (I mixed up my dates in a previous post stating it was to be held on the 14th. The Virtual Concert is Tuesday December 15th @7pm)
- Wednesday December 16th by 11:59pm: Last day to turn in Holiday Tune (this will be considered your last grade for the semester)
- Thursday/Friday December 17/18th: Chorus Finals
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about any of the information listed above.
Have a great weekend!
- Ms. Palmer