Hello all! Here are just a few quick things as we are finishing out the semester!
Our Holiday Concert is in 9 days! The only change that has been made is the time of the event. Rather than starting @ 7 p.m., we are starting @ 7:30 p.m. That also means that your call time has changed from 5:30 to 6:15. Please be on time and ready to sing in your concert uniform. The only people allowed to wear holiday hats are our wonderful SENIORS!:) We will also be having a bake sale, so please come and support your chorus program!
Please make sure that you are also aware that next Friday, the 13th, we are having a holiday party after school from 3:45 - 5 p.m. More details coming soon!
I hope you had a relaxing, rejuvenating, recharging, and refreshing week! Our rehearsals this week have been so effective and productive. Keep up the great work!!